Should you use an Eczema or Psoriasis App?

psoriasis apps eczmea

Why use apps to manage your skin condition?

We use apps for everything health-related these days so it makes sense that over recent years we have seen the emergence of eczema and psoriasis apps to help manage symptoms. Living with a skin condition can feel overwhelming at times. Recording symptoms, diet + treatments can give you a clearer picture, whilst making you feel more in control.

Top 10 Eczema + Psoriasis Apps

1.       Imagine

Imagine Skin Tracker allows you to track the development/improvement of your psoriasis or eczema over time. Once a week, on the same day and at the same time, you are prompted to take a photo and rate your discomfort out of 10. The stand-out feature is a split-screen which gives a very satisfying image of how your skin has improved over time! Tracking psoriasis + eczema in such a visual way is what makes this app a unique offering on the market.

Availability- Apple/Google Play Stores

2.       Flaym

Flaym is a social media platform, designed to connect people with psoriasis. From the makers of the Imagine app, Flaym produces a ‘newsfeed’ style display which is easy to use and simply laid out. Users can also add to this with their own posts. You can search topics such as therapy, mental health and seasonal changes. The community is very active, and it’s a great way to feeling like you aren’t alone with psoriasis.

Availability- Apple/Google Play Stores

3.       Beyond

Amalgram RX has launched an app called Beyond for psoriasis sufferers. This app provides a trusted source of tools, support and information. Based on the science of cognitive behaviour, Beyond aims to give the user techniques to reduce stress and increase positivity. Users can track their changing psoriasis over time and see any correlations with health and wellbeing. The key focus of the app is stress management.

Availability- Apple/Google Play Stores- US Only


4.       CareClinic

CareClinic features a lot of super useful features for psoriasis + eczema sufferers. This includes a psoriasis journal where you can log your mood, symptoms, triggers, and medications. The journal is used to compile a monthly report which you can then show your doctor. You can also set reminders that notify you when it’s time for medication or a self-care practice.

Availability- Apple/Google Play Stores

5.       EczemaWise

EczemaWise is an excellent app for tracking symptoms, triggers + treatment progress. The app also allows you to sleep, stress levels, skin state + more.

Availability- Apple/Google Play Stores

6.   Eczema Doc

Eczema Doc is an eczema self-management app powered by AI. Eczema Doc allows you to take control of your eczema, using a trio of track, management and personal insights. The app allows you to input your symptoms, take images of your eczema and track triggers such as stress & weather. Over time, the algorithm will work out your severity and predict which triggers relate to your flare-ups. Clever stuff!

Availability- Apple/Google Play Stores

7.   Eczema Tracker

Eczema tracker allows you to build an overall picture of your eczema, by tracking triggers & symptoms. The app also includes useful advice on how to manage your eczema. You can upload pictures of your skin, allowing you to see how you are progressing. Eczema Tracker has extensive trigger tracking- including pollen, mould, weather, humidity, etc. The holistic approach of this app can be hugely beneficial for sufferers.

Availability: Apple Store Only

8.   iControl Eczema

This kid-friendly app allows children to track their emotions on a happiness scale, describe their skincare routine, add notes, upload photos, and look at trends. This is useful for showing to doctors, as children sometimes struggle with verbalising and remembering. You can also set reminders to moisturise.

Availability: Apple/Google Play Stores

9.   Skincare Routine

Organise your skincare routine with this innovative app. Record product details, along with your skin symptom progress.

Availability- Apple/Google Play Stores

10.       Emollizoo

Another eczema app aimed at children, or just adults young at heart! Emollizoo is a game that allows the user to help a zookeeper look after animals by assisting with their daily skin routine. This is a fun way to teach children about skin conditions and the importance of moisturising. The game involves earning rewards and stickers for maintaining a good routine.

Availability- Under Development


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